
The name Sampson Seal Breeze sounds like something you’d hear on a shitty Saturday night at 4 AM, as you flip between a re-run of Three’s Company and that strangely addictive infomercial for the miracle sealant, Sampson Seal.

When it’s not moonlighting as a revolutionary science marvel, “Sampson Seal Breeze” is busying itself with the reverb epidemic that has struck our youth hard, with distant, lo-fi vocals, psychedelic layering and waves of bass heavy synth. It works inwards from its shimmering, mellowed edge and introduces the double-tracked, angsty, almost-anthemic vocals as it progresses.

All of this coming from an Atlanta based band whose Facebook page is “bearly” a month old (I couldn’t resist). If you dig the jams, no reason to stop there. Check out the band’s Soundcloud or maybe even pencil in their Live in the Lobby date for March 19th on your calendars.

-Will Guerin