
Nobra Noma is Michael Jordan of Atlanta, GA. Not to be confused with the other MJ who is best known for his work as the Hitler-stached, Hanes lackey of Washington Wizards fame. The shorter, caucasian version (who probably hasn’t gambled away 12.6 million dollars) acts as our liaison to man’s struggle. A man whose daily life revolves around the shadow of slam dunks and jump shots and the endless spew of corny comments (and journalistic endeavors) that haunt him in the form of the remark “Oh wow, what a funny name!”

Unfortunately, ‘Loafergaze’ fails to make the abstract, forced connection between Air Jordan mania and the etymology of the compound loafer gaze – instead, starting with a numbed tingling that chimes against the garbled, jerky vocal loop. An electronic swaying that carries the song through it’s steady development of swirling shoegaze guitars and the steady rocking of Jordan’s drum machines. Most likely, the functionality of being a one man band imposed the bricklayer approach of adding and subtracting repeated samples but its fun to see the song fluctuate with a revolving cast of contributors that hold up Jordan’s strong vocal line as the centerpiece.

Check out Nobra Noma’s Bandcamp account for free downloads and why not head over to his Facebook page to really complete the social media experience! And Latest Disgrace may have beat us to the punch on this one, but just more proof that you should listen to ‘Loafergaze’ which you can find in the video below. Enjoy.

-Will Guerin
